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Non-Indigenous Australia has a pretty brief culinary history. The First Fleet arrived here in 1788, when Chinese cuisine was already well over a millennium old. But while many of our chefs can’t draw on generations of tradition, they’re also not constrained by it. They can experiment as much as they like.  Despite this, Sydney’s superb breakfast menus can sometimes get a little familiar. At their heart, many dishes are just clever repetitions of toast, eggs or granola. If you’re nodding, you’ll appreciate this café as a non-conventional option discovered by one of our guides recently. Tucked away in a lane way in Manly is Fika Swedish Kitchen. Their traditional dishes are prepped by a bona fide Swedish chef. A breakfast might take the form of crispbread with egg and fish roe spread (an ingredient you may have spotted in a tube at IKEA). Or you could try Fika’s sour cream & herb herring with smashed eggs & radish on their “Kavring” rye bread. Pair these with refreshing elderflower saft (that’s cordial to us), imported Swedish teas or Campos coffee. You can find this café when you take the “Seven Miles from Sydney, seven sins a plenty” walking tour in Manly.

@24hoursinSydney. We know Sydney

PHOTO CREDIT- Fika Swedish Kitchen/Trip Advisor

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