Sydney’s Smallest Bar Is How Small?

Just what constitutes a small bar? In NSW, the small bar licence caters for up to 100 people; when we think about small bars, Melbourne bars more broadly — spring to mind. But what about Sydney? Set inside a garage down the end of an alleyway off Clarence Street in the CBD, Cantina OK! (that exclamation mark is intentional, by the way) is a mezcal bar with space for just 20 people. With a bar this small and with space so tight, they have to go without some of the luxuries bartenders usually take for granted. You know, like an ice machine, say, or a walk in-fridge to keep stuff cold. Luckily Sydney has its own dedicated bar ice purveyor, so the guys at Cantina OK! are buying block ice from Bare Bones Ice Co. If you are lucky you may be able to try the hand-cranked Nepalese ice machine when they prepare their signature Margarita which is ultra-refreshing and dangerously drinkable. Try one with us.
@24hoursinSydney. We know Sydney
PHOTO CREDIT- Christopher Pearce