When locals think of Sydney, they think of the harbour, the good weather, and the beaches. But what about our world records? Sydney is a city of great individuals. It is also a city that continuously brings people together. And when great individuals come together, records are sure to come crashing down. From the crazy to the insane to the why-on-Earth-would-you-even-do-that records, Sydney has bragging rights to quite the number of human physical feats – some a little more serious than others, others more fun than anything else. We’ve all participated in an egg and spoon race before. Surely, at some kid’s birthday party where more than one lied, tricked or cheated their way to the finish line. But what about over 100m in the middle of the city with a crowd watching? Olympic champion hurdler, Sally Pearson, is no stranger to the big stage. But world records have always just been out of her reach. That is, until now. Thanks to a blinding fast 100m, Sally stopped the clock at 16.59 seconds, forever putting egg and spoon race glory out of the reach of us mere mortals
@ 24hours in Sydney. We know Sydney
PHOTO CREDIT– Guinness Book of Records