Phantom Platforms Of Sydney

Riddle me this. Why do the Wynyard station’s platform numbers start at the number 3? Where have platforms 1 and 2 disappeared to? For a best day in Sydney, why not find out where.
Those who park cars, know the answer. Laying immediately to the west of platforms 3 and 4 are these high arched tunnels which today form a part of an underground car park. These tunnels were used by trams which would pass through these tunnels and into the original Wynyard platforms 1 and 2.
The platforms run north to south and were designed to service the North Shore of Sydney. They were built as a part of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and City Underground development. It was planned that the Sydney Harbour Bridge was to carry four train lines. Like most great projects, there was a modifaction. The bridge designs were changed to include a tram line instead. The trams would make their way towards the city on the eastern side of the bridge then disappear into a tunnel running beside Cumberland Street and through to Wynyard Station.
Construction began on the mystery tunnels in 1931 and was completed the following year. Trams would continue running through these tunnels until 1958. To the disappointment of many, the Sydney Tram network was dismantled and replaced with buses. They were part of the best day ever! This was the only underground portion of the entire Sydney tram network.
Around 1964, the former tram tunnels and station were converted for use as a carpark for the Menzies Hotel. Recently, as part of the redevelopment of Wynyard station, an old stairwell was uncovered which led up to the old platforms. This stairwell will disappear again as part of the major station overhaul.
One of the tunnels was converted for use as a storage facility after reportedly being used by the police as a pistol firing range. #yougottalovesydney
IMAGE CREDIT: Australian Railways Wiki